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Where inspiration comes from?

Where inspiration comes from? published on

Somedays I have no sense of humor, but I must do the comic page. Somedays takes more time to come up with a funny idea. I try to get inspiration mainly from life because this webcomic became my “Dear Diary…” and what I draw might be an exaggeration of an event, but it’s always an event that happened in real life.


#comics #webcomic #lifeofanartistwebcomic #comicpage #inspirationtowritehumor #howtokeepupwithafunnycomic #comingupwithfunnymaterial

Where I got it from

Where I got it from published on

Now we know where I got if from. Mom was surprised that I could see so much from the video chat. Yup. I saw all of those snacks!

Holy Pony! I made the first NotFromBrazil t-shirt. In case you want one too visit my official site.
#webcomic #snacks #food #girlsanddiets #webseries #comicpage #lifeofanartist #lifeofanartistcomics

Laundry Time!

Laundry Time! published on

We see less and less the laundry hanging outside the windows in the streets of Portugal. The colorful underwear and shirts dancing in the wind always brought color to the Portuguese little alleys and narrowed cobblestone streets, dripping on people in display for anyone to see.  In our apartment building we have to go to the basement to wash and dry and it’s a small fortune at the end of the year. I didn’t run the bathroom wall, but the drier machine wasn’t available so hang the laundry on furniture and doors all over my living room ahaha. Inspired in a chat with my good friend Carmen.


Ballet published on

Years ago I missed the opportunity to see Les Ballets du Trockadero in Lisbon because the tickets sold out months before the show. I was searching for a musical when I found available tickets. (Far from the stage but good too) YAY! They’re so fun and talented. We enjoyed every bit. Before going into the room, people drank champagne, wine and listened to a talented singer. It was a great night. Works so much better when we don’t plan for it. #trockadero #tickets

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