First World Problems

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Another question inspired a new Notfrombrazil episode. Before I decided to finish the project as a graphic novel Polly and the Black Ink was intended to be a 48-page Children’s books. My students became older and turned out to be superheroes, so did Polly. She got older, smarter and stronger. Do you have a question… Continue reading First World Problems

Are you settling in Ok now…?

Are you settling in Ok now…? published on No Comments on Are you settling in Ok now…?

Another question from Rabbie2 (fan) who has been following our adventures since the beginning.   If you have a question for me that you would like to answer in NFB style be my guest. To comment click on the title and comment below.   #webcomic #funny #culturaldifferences

Sharing Interests and Hobbies

Sharing Interests and Hobbies published on No Comments on Sharing Interests and Hobbies

It’s great when we can spend time together with our friends and loved ones doing something that is interesting to all. looking forward to seeing my American parents soon. We always drive somewhere awesome to do fun things and spend the day laughing. What’s your favorite thing to do with your friends or loved ones? Do… Continue reading Sharing Interests and Hobbies

Special Ingredient

Special Ingredient published on No Comments on Special Ingredient

That corn starch is a weird thing. You have to try it. Mix a bit with water, it freezes but it’s not cold, it’s… well… dry!Sometimes I know the ingredients very well, but they just have such a different name int he U.S and are treated so differently that they become alien to me.


Scale published on No Comments on Scale

When it takes 3h to drive across my Portugal, it’s normal that my friends and family have to stop and think for a moment to scale. Portugal fits in an American state, therefore when they say int he news that the United States is under a few hurricanes, that does not mean it’s close to where… Continue reading Scale

Artist Vblog

Artist Vblog published on No Comments on Artist Vblog

I have to be less impatient and start to read the details of stuff that I buy online. But yeah… A step closer to streaming… one day! Do you remember that time when artists painted in their studies isolated from the world….? Yeah… forget that. You are part of the artist process too and isn’t… Continue reading Artist Vblog