Webcomics that are part of Work
Victorious End
#webcomic #funny #weblog #freecomics
Pins and Needles
#baddayatwork #freecomic #webcomic #notfrombrazil #pinsandneedles
Sleep Talking
#notfrombrazil #webcomic #freecomic #sleeptalking
Brady Bear Awards 2015
Last year’s New York Gala. Yup, I asked for backstage… they gave me the front door. Brady Bear Awards. Wishing you all a great 2016 event. #enough #brady #webcomic #socialanxiety
Office Christmas Party
I drew it by memory, so I want to apologize to those that are missing from the cartoons and if clothes, hairstyles and colors don’t quite match. Office Christmas Party. The White Elephant Game Gift Exchange: Rules: 1. Each player brings one wrapped gift to contribute to a common pool 2. Players draw names to determine… Continue reading Office Christmas Party
Life Drawing challenges
Life Drawing is not easy when your subject is moving around, but it’s the most fun to do because it forces me to pay attention to the general shapes and movement instead of useless details. There’s plenty to draw inside too, still live subjects are also good to improve drawing techniques. #webcomic #meinamerica #sliceoflife #lifeofanartist… Continue reading Life Drawing challenges